Iraq ’s heritage in flames by Dr Lee Rotherham
An eye-witness account of the situation in Iraq as it affects archaeological sites.
Tarmac henges quarry plan delayed Consideration of the application by Tarmac Northern Ltd to open a new extraction area at their Ladybridge quarry, close to the Thornborough Henges has been deferred to 2005.
National Park watchdogs warn of ‘ticking time-bombs’ by Rachel Reeves ,
Senior Policy Officer , Council for National Parks, Old Mineral Permissions and National Parks (£10) and Ticking time-bombs: the threat of old mineral permissions (£5) can be obtained from The Council for National Parks, phone 020 7924 4077
Maritime Archaeology: A sea view by Jesse Ransley
(Formerly Wessex Archaeology’s Maritime Section, now with that of English Heritage ) Despite there being a separate maritime review the DCMS document A Review of Heritage Protection: The Way Forward fails to address terrestrial sites which are also partly submerged, and other issues of connected land/sea heritage. Even in the draft of the Marine Heritage Protection Review, the connections between terrestrial, maritime, and the transitional zone between, are not adequately considered.
Rolex Awards for Enterprise : US$100,000 each for two prehistorians
Prehistorians David Lordkipanidze, of Georgia , and Teresa Manera de Bianco, of Argentina , are each winners of the US$100,000 Rolex Award for Enterprise for projects that help redefine our understanding of human and animal history .
Rosehill Roman Tile Kiln, Reigate , Surrey by Phil Jones ,
During March and June 2004 the sub-structure of a substantial Roman tile kiln and associated features were excavated by the Surrey County Archaeological Unit.
Lifting the kiln structure by John Price (Conservation Consultant)
Just before the archaeological investigations on the Reigate kiln ended, Surrey County Council, Reigate and Banstead Borough Council and Surrey Archaeological Society agreed on a joint plan to retrieve, preserve and in due course, display as much of the kiln as it was possible. John Price describes the process.
ARCHAEOLOGY AT 14+ by by Don Henson
Many people are continuing to write in to AQA protesting at the decision to scrap A level Archaeology. Don Henson of the CBA discusses the issues
Stonehenge Update by Kate Fielden
In advance of any announcements from the Inspector of the recent Public Enquiry English Heritage has submitted a planning application for a new Stonehenge visitor-centre just outside the World Heritage Site (WHS) at ‘Countess East’, about 3km east of the Stones and close to the A303/A345 roundabout junction. Salisbury District Council invites responses to the application by 28 October (for details see
Book reviews:
‘ Hill and Valley Shaking’ by Adrian Chadwick, University of Wales , Newport
The Research Framework for the Archaeology of Wales, published on the website of the Clwyd-Powys Archaeological Trust
Body of evidence by Jennifer Wallace , a Lecturer in English Literature at the University of Cambridge and a Fellow of Peterhouse, the author of Shelley; Greece: Rethinking Romantic Hellenism (1997) and Lives of the Great Romantics: Keats (1997). Her latest book Digging the Dirt: The Archaeological Imagination engages with the work of philosophers and writers who have been stirred by the life below ground, while not losing sight of the pressing demands of archaeologists today. In a world of post-modern spin, Wallace calls for a renewed sense of the poetics of depth and shows how excavation can play a vital role in bringing powerful political forces to account.
Early post-medieval vessel glass in England c1500–1670 (CBA Research Report 132).
Dr. Hugh Willmott ( University of Sheffield )
A valuable addition to any archaeological bookshelf.