The Joint Nautical Archaeology Policy Committee have recently raised concern over the recent gifting to, and ongoing management of HMS Victory 1744 by Maritime Heritage Foundation (MHF). The wreck was donated by the Ministry of Defence to MHF in January 2012.
The briefing document, below, concludes that
It is most important that the future of this iconic example of theUK’s underwater cultural heritage is managed in a responsible and transparent manner which gives confidence to the world that the UK Government is following best archaeological practice and complying with UK heritage policy.
Rescue concurs with the statements below, and seeks responses from the Ministry of Defence, the Department for Culture Media and Sport, as the Government’s policy lead on heritage matters, and the MHF without delay.
A fuller article, from Bob Yorke of JNAPC will appear in the forthcoming Rescue News.
JNAPC: HMS Victory Briefing May 2012
Further information
- JNAPC website:
- DCMS summary of consultation responses for the ongoing mangement of Victory:
- Rescue’s response to the original consultation
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