Rescue have written to register our objection to a planning application for the erection of school buildings at Brent Lea Recreation Ground, Isleworth. It is clear that this application for temporary school buildings also seeks to establish the principle of change of use and development on the site, with a series of school buildings outlined to be constructed adjacent to temporary accommodation the within the two-year timescale of this application.
This application is within a designated Archaeological Priority Area (APA) yet against both paragraph 128 of the NPPF and local policies, fails to provide an adequate assessment of the impact of the proposals, to enable an informed determination to be made.
The possible archaeological resource on this site is consequently under threat as a result of these proposals and RESCUE wishes to register an objection to this application proceeding in its current incomplete form. We would request that the application should be either deferred until such time as the necessary information is produced and made available, or more appropriately refused on the basis of being an inadequate submission.
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