The Historic Environment Protection Reform Group (HEPRG) working under the auspices of the Historic Environment Forum have recently published a set of 3 papers setting out their response to the climate of severe resource cuts to those tasked with managing change in our historic environment. In their words:
the heritage sector needs to work together to identify ways to help stretched resources to go further, while crucially ensuring that the system works better and delivers improved (rather than diminished) protection for what is special and valued by our communities.
The background to these papers can be seen here:
Rescue have responded, outlining our concerns over the suggested acquiescence to further cuts. RESCUE advocates united opposition to further cuts and in support of this position would draw attention to the fact that heritage services have been cut back to an absolute minimum since 2000.
RESCUE will not support a final statement by the HEPRG if such a statement is based on the principles set out in the discussion papers and reviewed in this response.
Rescue responds to the HEF Historic Environment Protection Reform Group. Say" No" with us #SaveThePast
— Rescue Archaeology (@rescue_news) November 7, 2015
Our full response can be read below.
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