The AHRC Heritage Priority Area and RESCUE: The British Archaeological Trust are organising a one day conference on ‘Engaging with Policy in the UK: Responding to Changes in Planning, Heritage and the Arts’ on Saturday the 27th October at UCL’s Institute of Archaeology.
This is one of a series of activities we are undertaking to draw together academics, civil servants, private and professional bodies, and civil society organisations to address challenges and uncertainty from changing policies. We hope to connect researchers, practitioners and policy makers involved in the arts, culture, heritage and the natural/historic environment around key areas of shared concern.
The event is timely. Many of us are aware of changes in the arts and heritage landscape that are directly impacting university departments, practitioners, contractors, employees, civil servants, and even civil society. There are, however, opportunities to be involved in the future direction of these sectors.
There have been significant changes in the political landscape, and increasing numbers of consultations/calls for evidence. It is therefore also now timely to provide the relevant information/evidence or highlight key issues as we reshape policy as well as withdraw from the EU, in areas of concern such as how immigration policies will impact our sectors to whether the natural and historic environment is adequately protected in British Law, or how the arts, culture and heritage will be funded.