The Rescue AGM will be held on Saturday 17 September at 12 noon, via Zoom. All Rescue members are welcome at the AGM.
Join us for our AGM here via Zoom. from 12 noon.
Following the AGM at 1.00 pm we will host an afternoon meeting, open to all, on The Protection of Heritage in time of Conflict to be chaired by Daniel Phillips and led by Sophie Vigneron. Speakers will address topics in 15 minute presentations in two sessions, followed by a panel discussion.
Join us for the Open Session via Zoom. from 1pm.

The Protection of Heritage in time of Conflict
17 Sept via Zoom
The destruction of cultural property in time of conflict is not a recent issue. Centuries of war, colonisation and industrialisation – among other ongoing processes- have caused the destruction and displacement of millions of people and objects. We continue to witness the destruction of heritage sites the looting of archaeological and cultural objects, and the displacement of people due to cultural, political, and environmental causes across the world, including Syria, Iraq, Libya, Mali… and more recently in Ukraine.
Rescue is dedicating its annual AGM to the topic of the protection of heritage in times of conflict to discuss these wide-ranging issues and their aftermath with this online mini-Conference. It will address both the impact conflict has on tangible and intangible heritage, from people to places.
To register, follow this link:
The first session, Sites and Conflict, will introduce the existing political and legislative international framework upon which the protection of archaeological and heritage sites across the world relies on during times of conflict and war. It will then address specific sites affected by conflict. Speakers will include Dr Rebecca Hawkes-Reynolds, Drs Vsevolod Ivakin and Pavlo Shydlovsky and Richard Osgood.
The second session, Antiquities and Illicit Trade, will explore the long-term effects on sites and people caused by conflict, as seen through the displacement of material culture in the form of looting and the global antiquities trade. Speakers will include Dr Sam Hardy, Mark Harrison and Dr Nick Merriman.
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