Rescue AGM: Saturday 24th June 2023

Does archaeology have a role in placemaking, and if so how?

On Saturday 24th June, RESCUE will be hosting its annual lecture at the Surrey History Centre, Woking to discuss the role of archaeology in placemaking. Placemaking can be a part of shaping and improving public spaces and promoting a sense of place, happiness and wellbeing in the process. It involves planning, design and creative approaches to public spaces, and can capitalise on the history – or archaeology – of a place to do so. If done well, it can strengthen connections between people and their communities by creating quality places that people want to live, work, plan and learn in.

Rescue is an archaeological charitable trust dedicated to supporting archaeology and the historic environment across the UK. On Saturday 24th June between 13:00 to 14:30, we will be hosting our annual lecture at the Surrey Historic Centre in Woking to discuss the role of archaeology in placemaking, which extends to culture and heritage more broadly (including, of course, the arts). Placemaking can be a part of shaping and improving public spaces and promoting a sense of place, happiness and wellbeing in the process. It involves planning, design and creative approaches to public spaces, and can capitalise on the history – or archaeology – of a place to do so. If done well, it can strengthen connections between people and their communities by creating quality places that people want to live, work, plan and learn in.

This year, we explore different ways of thinking about placemaking, and what role archaeology (including an understanding of the past to the local area) might have in it, particularly when a place might not have a rich archaeology.

We are opening the event with a warm welcome is Tony Howe (County Archaeologist, Surrey County Council).

The Programme for the Public Discussion is:

Discussion on the role of heritage in placemaking

13:00-13:15 Introduction and Presentation, Tony Howe (County Archaeologist, Surrey County Council)

13:15-13:30 Helen Currie (Placemaking Specialist, Surrey County Council)

13:30-13:45 Ian Kirkpatrick (Contemporary Artist)

13:45-14:00 Chris Miele (Consultant, Montagu Evans)

There will then be a panel Q&A for a half hour, chaired by Dan Phillips as RESCUE’s Vice Chair.

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