
Rescuing the Historic Environment


SKU: RSB-1 Category:


Archaeology, the green movement and conservation strategy for the British landscape. Proceedings of a conference held at Leicester University January 1993
Edited by Hedley Swain – ISBN 0-903789-17-5

Twenty illustrated papers that examine how the historic environment is defined, what threatens it, and how we as archaeologists should respond. National bodies with statutory roles explain their attitudes to environmental and landscape conservation, case studies in the management of the historic landscape are presented, and possible future campaigns are suggested. Contributors include Tim Darvill, Richard Morris, Geoff Wainwright, Tim Yarnell, Roger Leech , Robert White, Dai Morgan-Evans, Kate Clark and Jean Mellor (pub 1993)

Price: Members and non members £6.50 (reduced from £13.50)

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