Sign up as an educational establishment for Rescue membership.
Members receive 1 x printed RESCUE News a year, together with 3 x editions of Rescue eNews details of meetings and conferences and discounted prices on our publications. RESCUE membership also provides for the following:
- Where possible an elected representative of RESCUE attends relevant meetings of The Archaeology Forum, Historic Environment Forum, British Archaeological Awards and similar organisations
- RESCUE Council Members attend local and community campaign meetings as part of our outreach work. Recently council members have attended meetings regarding the Old Oswestry hillfort, City of Adelaide clipper ship, and Stonehenge campaigns
- We commission and publish books and practical manuals
- We write and send numerous letters to Government and Local Government Officials over issues to do with archaeology and the historic environment
- We maintain active Twitter and Facebook profiles bringing local and national issues to a wider audience
- We maintain an office and a part-time secretary to answer and distribute enquiries
- We maintain a large network of voluntary unpaid specialists available for consultation and expert opinion on a huge range of heritage issues.
- We do incur some expenses associated with these roles and without your membership we would be unable to undertake this work and, little by little, our voice as the only independent advocate for the protection of archaeology and the historic environment would become quieter and quieter.
Your membership is vital to us. You join us in campaigning to save the past for the future by contributing to our work. The more members we have, the greater our influence will be and the louder RESCUE’s voice will be heard. It is by weight of numbers and force of argument that we can effectively campaign to save our archaeology. In these times of austerity and spending cuts and at times an ill-considered push for development, our voice and your voice is desperately needed.